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Over 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow.... posted on Jul 04 2002, 412 reads


He has walked 1,000 miles...across the He has swum a crocodile-infested river while being shot at. He has lived four years in one refugee camp, nine in another. And he hasn't given up on finding his parents, though most likely, he is an orphan. He is Santino Lual, 22, one of 10,000 or so "Lost Boys of Sudan," now living in Seattle. ... posted on Jul 03 2002, 1,280 reads


"My hair was standing straight up when she played," said someone from the audience. "I could not breathe when she finished," said another. Debra Sayer's brilliant piano performance ended to explosive applause and teary eyes. Debra is blind.... posted on Jul 02 2002, 406 reads


... posted on Jul 01 2002, 974 reads


... posted on Jun 30 2002, 652 reads


A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.... posted on Jun 29 2002, 346 reads


Men who donate blood have a 30% reduced risk of heart disease compared to those who do not. The difference is attributed to reduced levels of iron following blood donation. (Source: David Meyers, M.D., University of Kansas, in the 'Heart' journal)... posted on Jun 28 2002, 1,227 reads


More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.... posted on Jun 27 2002, 855 reads


United Service Organizations (USO) named Georgette Mosbacher as the woman of the year.... posted on Jun 26 2002, 845 reads


Trash is our biggest product. Packaging consumes 40% of the paper used in Germany and 1/4 of the plastics used in the US.... posted on Jun 25 2002, 546 reads


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Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.
Paul Boese

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